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2:32 p.m. - 09.09.04
PART TWO IN A THREE PART WEEKEND AND WEEK SERIES...correct spelling is optional

Why Asians are CRAZY

The Japanese with their amazing technological advancement are developing a picture frame that will analyze (based solely on the picture) the person�s body type and then try and re-create their voice. Then you can record a message yourself and it will say it in the voice it says the person should have. Stupid right�unless the person is DEAD. Freak out some kid by putting his dead mother�s picture in there. MOMMY SAYS CLEAN YOU�RE ROOM. AAAAAAAAGGGGGGHHHHH. OH HAHAHAHAHA the hilarity. Don�t do it to me. I�d link the site but it�s all in Japanese and I doubt anyone cares enough to translate it.

Yeah I�ll Have to Agree

I have done nothing this week except read fan fiction (right I know I can�t believe I�m that weird either) and play on the internet. I�m getting paid to rot my brain with slash. So I�m totally going to get fired. In my defense though this stupid company I work for hasn�t given me access to all the programs/databases/whatever�s so I can do my work. It�s your fault I�m getting paid to be lazy. Hells yeah.

Hey Troll

There is a troll that lives in the parking garage at my office. We have named him Ogdar. Ogdar the parking garage troll. I leave him little things as offerings. Yes it may be silly but it gets me through the day. Well that and bugging Joseph the security guard.


Hey Ovaries what�s happening? Come sit down lets have a chat. Tea? Coffee? No? Okay. You need to stop hurting me so much. I�m in lots of pain because of you and every time I move I want to vomit. That�s not so nice. I think we could get along famously if you would only stop with the hurting�and you know the other gross stuff. Please? Seriously I�ll bake you a cake. You don�t like cake�hmmm okay I�ll get you a new movie. Something with Alan Rickman maybe? Just think about it and get back to me. Later, Elizabeth.


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