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1:31 a.m. - 03.31.05
The answers to oomm�s Questions.
1. When you were young and you wanted to marry J what did you think life would be like with him? That�s hard because I was a little kid, but I just figured we�d hang out, and he would write and sing songs for me. When I was in my big I�m going to marry J stage I thought I was going to grow up to be a famous photographer so I figured we would travel around as well. Or I�d just sit there and stare at him and have lots of babies that would have rat tails. It�s amazing how sexy I thought that was.
2. If I bring him to Vegas and leave him alone with you will he come back with any marks on him? If yes, please describe where and how they would be inflicted. He could possibly come back with marks on him. I can�t guarantee I wouldn�t try something. I am an Aries after all. If there were marks I�d have to say they would be�
3. If you could build a robot with any three things from your bedroom what would you use and what would the robot do? If I had a vibrator I would use that alas I don�t so I�ll have to use my Canon AE-1, my floor fan, and the Spiderman pillow. He would make snarky comments and tell wild lies.
4. Give me the title and basic plot for the book you've always wanted to write. Well I have several different books I�ve written at least a chapter of; One is a book about obscure music which I would like to include a CD featuring some of the bands talked about within the book, it is currently untitled, maybe I could call it that Currently Untitled: Music you probably have never heard. The other is about a neurotic girl and all the misadventures she has living in a city that she hates surrounded by people that just don�t get her, I haven�t thought of a title for that one. Also another is just about Kuwait and what it was like living there, probably the least marketable of the three.
5. Tell me what the question was that prompted my response "eyeballs". (See Question 5 of Crate's questions for me. What was on the pool table in the game room? What is the first thing you would eat if forced into cannibalism?
The answers to Goldieknox03�s questions

1. Tell me the story of Grace. How you got pregnant, what that felt like, how you decided what to do, etc. I also want to know what its like to be preggy. Gross me out with some details. Alright here goes: I was 18 and at a party while in college in Abilene. I met this guy who was in the Air Force and we hit it off. We ended up driving out to the lake and having our own party in the backseat of his car (I was a slut, a drunken slut. Not proud of it but it�s the truth). I actually didn�t find out I was prego till I was 5 months in because I was still getting a period. It wasn�t a normal period but I was still getting it so I didn�t think much of it. I think deep down though I knew that I was and it freaked me out so much I refused to think about it. When I finally admitted that yeah I probably was, I was in town visiting my parents for the weekend. I felt her kick while we were at church and pulled my mom out of the service to tell her. I figured she couldn�t kill me in the house of God. It went over better than I expected. I was really confused. I wasn�t even 19 yet at this point and I was 5 months along. He was of no help and signed away his rights before she was born. I decided to place her for adoption because while I think it�s a woman�s choice for abortion I could never actually do it myself. I had a family all picked out by the time she was born but when they showed her to me and I finally got to hold her there was just no way I could possibly do it. I was in labor for 15 hours and ended up having a cesarean because I wouldn�t dilate. She was 2 weeks late and I had to be induced. Mind you her birthday is July 20th and it was a really hot summer so I would have gladly cut off my left foot for her to be out. I worked up until my due date and then I spent the next two weeks sitting in the pool at my apartment complex trying not to die from heat exhaustion. When I was in the hospital before they had decided on the C-section I was crying and I kept asking my mom to take me home. When they finally gave me an epidural I was having contractions one on top of the other so I didn�t even feel it. Apparently the needle was huge. They broke my water and my OBGYN came in every hour to shove fingers up my hoo-hah to see how far along I was. That was the part I would never get used to in all the doctors visits, when I was going every week I just dreaded that. I did become an expert at scooting my ass to the very end of the table though. When the doctor broke my water I almost threw up. It felt so gross. Like I�d lost all control of my bladder. Then they had to shove this electrode up my hoo-hah to get a reading on Graces heartbeat because she kept moving away from the one they put on my stomach. While I was in surgery I was kept awake because if they put me out she would be out as well, they asked if I wanted a mirror so I could watch her being born and I told them no thank you I�d use my imagination, I had no desire to see my innards. When they held her up over the cloth she was covered in goo but she was the most beautiful thing I�d ever seen in my life. Tomorrow I�ll post birth pictures. Okay that�s all I can really remember right now. I�m sorry it�s so long winded and I�m sorry it jumps around.

2. NAme all your jobs. From first to last. Then say favourites, and most hated and why? Do you have any funny boss storys? First job was at Saks 5th Avenue as the fitting room attendant. Then it was Neiman Marcus in credit collections, Verizon as a Customer Service Rep (while prego), A day care, A Portrait Studio, As a telemarketer (I worked there for a total of 4 days, and three of those days I was in training), Then as a temp to different parts of Verizon for the past three years. My favorite was the portrait studio, if I had made more money I never would have quit and then my other favorite would be the last job I had with Verizon, not so much for the job but the friends I made there I hope to keep forever. My least favorite was the telemarketing job, I hated it so much I never went back. My funny boss story involves this guy we�ll call D. He used to tell me all about when he would lure women back to his house by saying he was a photographer and then he�d have his dirty way with them. Or when he would make like he was having oral sex with his hands and think I thought it was funny? Sexy? Cute? I don�t know but it was none of the above and frankly disgusting. Oh yeah and when my last boss wore sweat pants and I got to see his wang. That ruled.

3. It says you dropped out to have your baby. Will you go back to college. What degree do you want and why. What affect does not going to college have on your life? I did drop out of the first college I attended. I went back to school two years ago but I had to quit again for money reasons. I am now trying to get financial aid so I can go back. I would like either a degree in graphic design or English.

4. What brought you to diaryland? is that the same reason that keeps you here? What is your favourite part of dland. Do you have a few favourites that you read? This guy I once new told me I should try it. I thought it was stupid and didn�t plan on becoming so attached. My favorite part of diaryland is the other diarylanders. It�s the only thing keeping me here. I have a ton of favorites I�d list them all but I�d end up leaving someone off and feel bad.

5. What is your biggest fear? is this a real fear, has it happened before. TEll me about that. if not ellaborate on your favourite scary movies, list 6 of them. My biggest fear is being alone. Not that I want to be surrounded by people all the time but that everyone will suddenly think I�m not cool or I�m not interesting and they will want nothing to do with me. That scares me. I don�t like to feel like people I respect or want as friends dislike me. My top 6 favorite scary movies are: 1. The Exorcist 2. 28 Days Later (It�s political and zombies are my favorite horror movie accessories) 3.Signs 4. Pet Cemetery 5. Psycho 6. The Shining

Now its your turn:
1. Leave a note requesting an interview.
2. I will respond by asking you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
3. You will update your blog/site with the answers to the questions and leave the answers as comments on my blog.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.

Whew. Kuwait next entry. I swear.


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