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12:53 p.m. - 03.14.05
I don�t know about you but I�m the best Aces Up player in the galaxy. Luck my ass. It�s the Trolls. They have blessed me.

This weekend wasn�t too bad. Katherine and I went to Red Lobster, then we hung out at Best Buy and Barnes and Noble. I was reading the Anthony Kiedis book, �Scar Tissue�,while there and I was really disappointed when 11pm rolled around and I had to put it back. Even if it does seem like he�s bragging about his drug usage through most of the book, it was interesting. Maybe I�m just one of those star gossip lovers.

I had to take my grandmother to the doctor this morning. I was going to spend yesterday afternoon cleaning out my car. Instead I watched �Confessions of a Sociopathic Social Climber�. Damn it Jennifer Love Hewitt. WHY?! Just why? Therefore I had to through all the empty cigarette boxes, trash, and CD�s that were littering the front seat into a garbage bag and throw them into the back seat. Family still doesn�t know I smoke. I can�t believe I�m chicken to tell them that. Of course my mom will yell at me because they are expensive, not for health reasons. Good mommy.

I�m about to go job hunting with Katherine. What I really want to do is take a nap. I never realized what hard work it is being unemployed. Or how lazy not having a job can really make you. That sucks.

[Enter something clever I thought about last night right before bed here]

Watched a show on Cannibals last night. It was this 2 hour expose on the history of man eating people. I freaking love anything about cannibals. I will watch cheesy horror movies about them, read books about them anything. So I was disappointed this came on at 11pm and doesn�t seem to be replaying anytime within the next week. I only got through the first hour. It was very interesting.


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