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3:44 p.m. - 03.31.04
blue rasPberry
By golly gosh Hershey�s has lost their minds. I�m writing a letter to them promptly just to let them know that Blue Raspberry is not a very good idea for a flavor of Jolly Ranchers. I refuse to even try it. I�m afraid if I do I�ll actually enjoy it and then my term of refusing to eat anything that is blue will come to an end. But in all seriousness�why is blue raspberry even a flavor? I personally have never seen a blue raspberry. Is it different then normal raspberries? Does it make you sad? Is it cold? Why is there a p in Raspberry? That is the creepiest p I�ve ever seen in a word before. Microsoft word smokes good crack it told me to switch the, is and the there in the question �Why is there a p in Raspberry? � I hope I�m not alone in thinking that �Why there is a p in Raspberry?� doesn�t make much sense when taken in the context I put it in. Anyway Blue Raspberry isn�t a good idea.

There is this creepy guy in Minh�s office. He�s very nice but his face scares me. I wish he�d stop looking at me. Vickie told me I was Goth today. I�m pretty sure I�m anything BUT Goth. Jerrica once told me I was Goth. Of course Jerrica was a freak and I hated her. Well maybe hate is a strong word, immense dislike�that�s better. I think men in pink shirts look hot, just not the creepy guy that�s staring at me right now. Maybe I know why he�s staring now�my shirt is puckering. Nice Elizabeth why don�t you just flash everyone in the damn office. How professional. I think my left eye is going to fall out. It really hates me. With all the burning and the fuzziness, maybe I shouldn�t sleep in my contacts anymore. My hair is getting long� I�m so glad. It�s starting to actually look nice at times. I can�t believe I ever cut it so short. Never again will I do something so rash. I want Hercules to come back on the air, and I want to move to New Zealand and be Kevin Sorbo�s personal oil girl. That would be the best job. I never thought hair on a chest could be sexy until I started watching Hercules, he shouldn�t be allowed to do any acting with his shirt on.

Seacrest Out


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