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10:45 a.m. - 03.24.04
Magical and Mystical
You know what sucks worse than having to work on your birthday? It's been sick on your birthday. Jenni gave me these magic pills yesterday that made my sore throat go away! Jennifer *Poof*ed me and helped make my sore throat go away. I'm surrounded by magical people! Yesterday I found out that me and Jenni had another freakishly similar dream. Though not as much alike as the first time. I remember the first time. I was telling her about my dream and she just sat there with this look of astonishment on her face because she had, had the same dream just with a different person in a different location. Too weird for words. It's those synapses. Damn them.

Kimberly called me last night and we talked for a long time. It was nice. Ariel was over so she had to whisper sometimes but eh we laughed and laughed about all the crazy stuff we used to do. I miss her. I hope she gets to come to my birthday party. I told her she can bring the little mermaid if she wants. We'll see if she gets to come. Then I talked to Jenni for like 45 minutes that was fun. We such weirdos. But I'm glad I've met someone I can get to my full weirdness with and they don't freak out and run away. "Oh my goodness Gill it looks like you've spilled something all over your pants why don't you just take those off." hehe Jenni cooked us dinner last night it was very yummy. Her mom upset her later on in the evening though so I made her a frito mom and let her crush it. Tons of fun. I think Michael is afraid.

Minh is on the warpath today. He yelled at this nice guy and then told these other people that they act like uneducated idiots. That part was funny because I don't like those guys but he didn't need to be mean to Bill. :P I'm just trying to stay out of his way today. Maybe he'll forget to talk to me or something. Speaking of Uneducated Idiots though...I know these people up here are intelligent but sometimes they have NO COMMON SENSE. That and they are all Kleptomaniacs. I know I've said it before in fact yesterday but really people I don't order notebooks just for one person. When I order 20 of them I expect them to not be gone the next day. I also don't expect for people to go through my shit. I'm going to start locking up the supplies. If these people can't seem to control themselves with the taking them they aren't going to get anything without me getting it for them. It's insane. I have to order new supplies once a week to keep up with them.

Today is going by so slowly. I did just get an order of supplies in. Thank God. Finally have batteries. They are getting locked up somewhere safe. I'm going to do credit checks for them or something. It's like cigarettes in prison. Well thats it for now.. Seacrest Out.


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